Color definition
Color is the element of art that is produced when light, striking an object, is reflected back to the eye.
Attributes of color:
Color can be separated into three primary attributes: HUE - VALUE - INTENSITY
Hue - The name that we give a "pure color" (red, blue, purple, orange, etc). Also called "color"
Hue - The name that we give a "pure color" (red, blue, purple, orange, etc). Also called "color"
Colors are organized in a color wheel. Below is an example of a complex color wheel:
Value: Level of dark and lightness of a color by added either white or black
- Tint: Color plus white
- Shade: Color plus black
- Tint: Color plus white
- Shade: Color plus black
Saturation: The strength, intensity and vividness of the color. Also called "intensity" or "chroma". Colors can be made more or less saturated by adding another color (white, black, gray or an opposite color) or by adding a medium to make the color more transparent and less opaque. Tone: Level of gray added to a color
Color Systems: Munsell
Color mixing basics:
Primary colors: Red, blue & yellow - Colors that can not be mixed from any other colors
Secondary colors: Orange, purple & green - Colors that are made by mixing two primary colors together.
Tertiary colors: Red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet, and red-violet - Colors that are made by mixing together one primary and one secondary colors