Darks and lights of the same color or hue
Colors on the opposite side of the color wheel
Colors that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel
split complementary
Complementary scheme that has two analogous colors on one side of the complementary pair
Three colors equally spaced around the color wheel
Four colors arranged into two complementary color pairs around the color wheel
Warm & cool colors:
online color scheme generator....
Create a color scheme based on someplace you like:
1. Go to this website Color palette generator | Canva Colors
2. Upload a photo of some place you like
3. Generate a color scheme that matches the photo (the website will do this)
4. Take a screen shot (like the below example) to submit on Canvas
1. Go to this website Color palette generator | Canva Colors
2. Upload a photo of some place you like
3. Generate a color scheme that matches the photo (the website will do this)
4. Take a screen shot (like the below example) to submit on Canvas
Color scheme quarters painting
1. Create the design which will be repeated four times
2. Transfer the design to your panel
3. On the back, write down the Four color scheme names along with the colors used for each scheme
4. Paint the scheme on the front of the panel
2. Transfer the design to your panel
3. On the back, write down the Four color scheme names along with the colors used for each scheme
4. Paint the scheme on the front of the panel
Color scheme panel in Quarters
1. Sketch a bunch of abstract ideas. Think about positive-negative space and composition
2. Select one idea and adjust it to your panel size
3. Sketch you color scheme in thumbnail drawings
4. Divide your panel up into four quarters
5. Sketch your design onto your four quarters
1. Sketch a bunch of abstract ideas. Think about positive-negative space and composition
2. Select one idea and adjust it to your panel size
3. Sketch you color scheme in thumbnail drawings
4. Divide your panel up into four quarters
5. Sketch your design onto your four quarters
Trace your design to the four quarters:
One the back, list the color schemes that you will do in each quarter