MODERN art Meets analogous color scheme in acrylic paint...
Analogous colors
Colors that are next to each other on the color wheel
Georgia O'Keeffee analogous color paintings
Now add tints & Shades to your color scheme
How dark or light of a color is called VALUE. When you add white to a color, you get a TINT and a lighter value. When you add black to a color you get a SHADE and darker value.
create 5 step value scale in black & white Adn in color
value scale exercise:
Color Wheel Exercise:
a selection of Modern artist:
Andy Warhol
Georgia O'Keeffe
Roy Lichtenstein
Other Artist to explore:
- Keith Haring
- David Hockney
- Robert Rauschenberg
- Japser Johns
- Wayne Thiebaud
- Yayoi Kusama
- Elizabeth Murray
- David Hockney
- Robert Rauschenberg
- Japser Johns
- Wayne Thiebaud
- Yayoi Kusama
- Elizabeth Murray
-Inspiration Artist - Questions that you need to answer:
- Name
- Date
- What their work was about
- What subject matter did they feature?
- What media did they use?
- What techniques did they use?
- How does this relate to your selected artist, but will be unique for you?